AJAX is not a single programming language or a single piece of technology for website designers. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is an assortment of related Internet based technologies that allow content and design programs to work smoothly together. The first use of the AJAX acronym is attributed to Jesse James Garrett (2005). Garrett used the term to describe innovative ways to use popular technologies like HTML, JavaScript and XML, as well as Document Object Model, CSS and XML-Http-Request.
AJAX is an innovative way to use proven and existing technologies to create modern web applications and user experiences. However, AJAX relies heavily on HTML, CSS and JavaScript. AJAX coding allows users to have targeted exchange with active web content without total webpage reloads or detrimental lag time. AJAX works in the peripheral or the background communicating with the server in small packets of information. The asynchronous aspect of AJAX allows a web page to function without waiting for requested information from the server. Synchronous functioning is possible, but it pauses the application until the requested piece of information returns from the server. Although synchronous communication possible, there is a reliance on the asynchronous. It is the asynchronous server contact that makes AJAX reputed speed possible.
The grouping of programs available via AJAX help website developers, designers and programmers create web sites that allow web content to be modified without long interruptions. That is; with the use of AJAX, websites maintain speed and responsiveness even as users utilize it without causing interruptions to the overall webpage function. Thus, users can make requests, like clicking webpage options, and the webpage can answer the request without an entire browser or webpage reload. The compilation of AJAX tech is a favorite among application developers as programmers use it to create quick and responsive web and mobile content. Application developers and designers that create content that serve a customer base favor AJAX because consumers are not made to wait while the server responds to their page clicks. Several Google applications use the AJAX model because of the speed and responsiveness.
AJAX is made up of a collection of web development technologies and programming languages. Thus, the latest advances for AJAX emerge from the component web technologies in it. For example, the newest updates of HTML and JavaScript are part of the latest advances for AJAX. A few of the updated components of AJAX are HTML5 and CSS3. However, this also represents a disadvantage for AJAX because there is no guarantee the updates will continue to operate on your website without problems. Also, as time passes there are the danger technologies and programs being discontinued. Finally, vulnerabilities in any one component represent a potential issue for AJAX.
To learn more about AJAX and the related components try the following resources. Andy Harris’ “HTML5 and CSS3 All-in-One For Dummies (For Dummies” (2014) is a great comprehensive source. The book covers most of the AJAX components and how they work together for programming. Also, the Mozilla Developers Network offers information for AJAX beginners as well as tutoring, programming and code examples.