To jump start your website design project and branding, a great place to go to get different kind of website ideas, resources, examples, and even templates is going to a group of websites under the ‘envato’ name –, one of them is called, and this is a great place to find word press themes, even general wire frames and also great plug ins and additional tools that you can add to your website.
There’s also which you can go to and find everything from JavaScript, flash animation, any kind of little scripting codes and you can get elements for other pieces of your website like sliders, galleries and all sorts of stuff, and it really makes your website design come together quickly because you’re not reinventing the wheel every time, you can find something that’s open source, that you can edit yourself or you can have a developer like us edit and it really allows you to kind of plug and play any tools you want in your website and it really makes it easy for you to explain to a designer exactly what you’re looking for, you can say hey – check out this this element here, it’s got these features I want to include that I want to change this and what not, Envato even shows you a lot of screenshots and even live previews of the websites, so definitely go check out Envato, there’s a link below with a video you can click on and they even have a few discounts which are always great to use. You can usually get a great website template for under $60, which is really amazing and will save you a ton of development costs it will really keep it low cost for your business if you’re a small business or a start-up.
You can even search by theme, if you’re a specific niche sometimes there’s prebuilt themes for that niche – sports clubs things like that and even landing pages to test some paper quick, if you can think of it it’s probably on there so check out Envato, themeforest and their network of sites like codecanyon, you can get graphics on graphicsriver and few other sites, I’m sure I’m forgetting a number of them but those are the ones that I used, and it really has helped to use my business forward very quickly.
Thanks for readying, and if you have any questions leave a comment below, you can always reach out to us on Facebook and I’d love to hear what you think, we’d love to hear what you’re doing out there to really scale your design business and really provide an amazing product that’s very responsive, generates leads and is a tool that really works for the business that you’re creating for.